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平素よりIWASAオフィシャルストアをご愛顧いただき、誠にありがとうございます。 この度IWASAでは、地球環境への配慮及びお客様の個人情報保護の観点から、「納品書(お買上明細書)」の同梱を廃止、完全ペーパーレス化させていただくこととなりました。今後につきましては以下の通り対応させていただきます。<納品書に関して>ご購入時に登録いただいたメールアドレスにお送りしております、「発送完了のお知ら...

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We made a donation to the Noto Peninsula Earthquake Disaster Relief Fund.

We would like to express our deepest sympathies to everyone affected by the recent Noto Peninsula earthquake. I sincerely pray for the safety of everyone in the disaster-stricken areas and a ...

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Supporting the areas affected by the Noto Peninsula Earthquake | Half of the sales will be donated to support reconstruction efforts.

These sandals were scheduled to debut in January, but we have decided to donate half of the sales to support reconstruction efforts in areas affected by the Noto Peninsula Earthquake in Ishik...

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2024 | New Year's Greetings

I would like to wish you a happy new year. ⁡We would like to express our sincere gratitude for your continued support throughout the past year. ⁡This year as well, all of our employees will work ha...

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"Rakuten Pay" is now available.

Online store becomes more convenient. "Rakuten Pay" is now available. "Rakuten Pay" can now be used as a payment method at Iwasa Official Shop. Please feel free to use it for your daily sho...

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