International WOMAN'S DAY
March 8th is International Women's Day and Mimosa Day
International Women's Day, March 8, is a day to think about how women should live their lives in order to realize a gender-equal society.
Especially in Italy, there is a custom on this day to express gratitude by giving mimosas to loved ones, and it is also called Mimosa Day.
In commemoration of International Women's Day, IWASA is creating the "Mimosa Series" to convey your feelings to your loved ones.As a mother of two, IWASA is on the front lines of kimono to spread the appeal of kimono through kimono.
It was planned in collaboration with Kimono Sunao, an active kimono dressing instructor and Youtuber.

Sunao Kimono Channel/Kimono-Sunao
First-class kimono dressing technician certified by the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare.
With a passion in our hearts to "spread the goodness of kimonos and circulate the kimonos in our wardrobes,"
Sharing kimono know-how on SNS.

International Women's Day

International Women's Day is an international day celebrated around the world to recognize the achievements of women and to respect gender equality, regardless of national, ethnic, linguistic, cultural, economic or political barriers. It's the anniversary. It originated from demonstrations held in New York in 1904 demanding women's suffrage, and was adopted by the United Nations. It was established on this day in 1975.
For those of you who work hard every day.
First of all, praise yourself for living your life to the fullest in your busy life.
If you're feeling overwhelmed and overwhelmed, try wearing bright colors.
Whether it's makeup, nails, or clothes. It's so cool to be able to make yourself happy!
This time's mimosa bag and sandals are one of them. I hope it will be an opportunity for you to feel excited. - Sunao