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SOLD OUT | <95th Anniversary Limited> Camellia Quilt Trad
電話でのご購入 : 0120-183-359
"Camellia Quilt Trad" was sold in limited quantities to commemorate the 95th anniversary. We are grateful to our many customers for purchasing our limited number of items. Thank you very much.
The shape is a traditional trapezoid, which is the most popular choice among Iwasa customers. Even in these changing times, it is a shape that can be used with confidence now and into the future.
The opening and closing specifications are inner magnets. Through our unique development, we have been able to almost completely eliminate the stress of opening and closing, and the clicking sound of the magnet, which have long been a concern with formal bags. The completion of this function had a big impact on both Iwasa and the industry.
The surface material is Soaron. It is probably the most important material in Japan for black formal occasions, where the role and differences of "black" have a big impact. Although it is difficult to handle, the deep black color and silky smooth luster are its charms, and Iwasa confidently recommends this material for such special occasions.
The surface is quilted to create a three-dimensional effect. The motif, the camellia, has the floral meanings of "humble virtue" and "unpretentious elegance" due to its overwhelming presence. Along with the beautiful finish, it also contains Iwasa's thoughts and hopes for the craftsmanship he aims for.
The outer fabric is treated to be water-repellent, oil-repellent, antibacterial, and anti-fungal, protecting your formal bag on rainy days, at dinner tables, and when stored for long periods of time.
It can also be used as a bag for occasions such as wakes, funerals, public funerals, family funerals, farewell parties, memorial services, Buddhist memorial services, and mourning events.
・Suitable for various formal occasions ・Made in Japan ・Easy-to-open opening with built-in magnet ・Clean Coat (water-repellent, oil-repellent, antibacterial, anti-fungal)
- Quilted material that feels good to the touch
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持ち手立ち上がり14cm -
裏:ポリエステル -
化粧箱付き -
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